
A framework for counsellors to inform about targeted youth support to help vulnerable young people early to address their difficulties as soon as possible and to prevent their problems escalating, in order to prevent them from being drawn to into anti-social behaviour, crime or joining terrorist organisations and movements.

Download the [YCARE Project Guidlines](/files/YCARE Project Guidelines.pdf) pdf.

Offering a modular range of awareness raising, training and demonstration materials for youth counsellors, trainers as well as other professionals working in the field of youth counselling, particularly the use of new didactic tools combating problems such as radicalisation.

Visit the YCARE Toolbox online platform.

Supporting the delivery of the all outputs of the project and providing new means of interaction between learners and trainers, as it supports electronic management, storage and presentation of materials, transcending limitations of space and time and creating the necessary conditions for a dynamic teaching environment.

YCARE Online Platform

YCARE Mobile App

At the following link, you may find the project video, newsletters and flyers.

YCARE Awareness and Dissemination Tools